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ACCESS Testing

ACCESS for ELLs is an assessment of English language proficiency for students who are classified as English language learners (ELLs). An Alternate ACCESS assessment is administered to ELL students who meet the criteria for alternate assessment that prevents their meaningful participation in the ACCESS for ELLs® assessment. More information: ACCESS for ELLs®

Peace and Parenting Series hosted by Lara D'Eugenio
Peace and Parenting

Join Lara D'Eugenio for our "Peace & Parenting" three part series.You're encouraged to come to all three sessions. These sessions are for parents with children of any age!

  • Friday, January 31 at 8 am
  • Friday, February 7 at 8 am
  • Friday, February 28 at 8 am
New cell phone policy effective January 6, 2025
New Cell Phone Policy

Effective January 6, 2025, all students, from kindergarten through 12th grade, must have their personal electronic devices, such as cell phones, smartwatches, earbuds, and similar items, turned off and securely stored during the school day.

Click here to learn more.

MLMS Teacher of the Year Ben Harley with family
MLMS Teacher of the Year: Ben Harley

Each year, CCSD holds a Teacher of the Year recognition. Each school nominates a TOY who goes on to compete with other district TOY for the "CCSD Teacher of the Year" recognition.


This year, Ben Harley was voted at MLMS's Teacher of the Year. We shared the fun news with Coach Harley on Friday. He is pictured here with with parents (both educators) and grandparents.

MLMS: Educating the Whole Child

Educating the whole child.

News & Announcements

New Cell Phone Policy

Effective January 6, 2025, all students, from kindergarten through 12th grade, must have their personal electronic devices, such as cell phones, smartwatches, earbuds, and similar items, turned off and securely stored during the school day. Click here to learn more.

beanstack is the new app for logging reading

MLMS students love to read! Learn more about how to use the Clever app Beanstack to log your child's reading.

CCSD Zone Map
Zoned for MLES? Click to use the school lookup tool to determine what CCSD school you are zoned for.

Upcoming Events

"Joy is the evidence of inner growth."

Maria Montessori

"The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence." 
—Dr. Maria Montessori